Monday, February 25, 2008

Banjir (the Flood)

I came back to Jakarta. I had decided to stay only one day, I had to buy many supplies but figured I could be very quick and efficient and finish everything in one day. A fresh start, new energy, renewed enthusiasm and hope. It rains all night. I wake up, and there are 50cm of water evenly covering the whole city. I wade to the restaurant to have breakfast. Buses are not running. I convince an ojek driver to drive me to the place I need to reach. We sink in hidden holes, he tells me how he woke up when the water reached his bed early in the morning, amazing how the motorbike manages to keep going in the water. He drops me off when we cannot go further, and I manage to reach the mall, only to find that it is dark and closed. A black-out. Everthing closed. Water up to my thighs. So much for my fresh start..

Monday, February 4, 2008

Changing things

We could open a huge discussion on what changes, if it changes, who can change it, what is it that should or could change, if it is worth it... (I am tired and in need of food).
As I often do, I was thinking about politics (is it not a topic for a blog? are there non-written rules about it? well..). About the deeply frustrating situation in Italy. And the upcoming nominations in the US. And being spurred to do something ('but what can I do from here?'), eheh, I thought of shamelessly use this blog to warmly invite my Northamerican friends to go, vote, do, think, express, move things, discuss, convince, stir, stimulate, inspire, argue, fight (hehe, I stop the escalation..)..
I like Obama, though I admit I am not as informed as I would like to be. But if Scarlett Johansson says he is good..
I must say that also the idea of Chuck Norris as minister of defence is great...
Anyway, be active, or as an old Maths professor of mine used to say, "Vote well"..