Tuesday, September 25, 2007


At the end of day in the forest, tired and sweaty, you go take a bath (mandi) in the river. The water appears brown, but it is actually (almost) crystalline, you can see 2m deep. It is a great scenery, a funny contrast to a bar of soap, a colorful towel, conditioner..
And many things happen there. Monitor lizards swim away without moving the water, until they decide that you have seen them and will soon kill them, and transform the graceful flow into a boisterous scamper though water and land. Small needle-like fishes pretend they do not exist, even when you are holding them on your hand, frogs do the same, crabs decide that burying under your leg is the best strategy to elude you, small bloody larvae of some ephemeropteran attack me, black drongos show off their fishing ability.

And today, after I had been quiet for several minutes, with only my head out of the water, a bright red kingfisher flew at full speed along the surface, right toward me, uttering an excited shriek, and avoiding my face for a matter of centimeters.

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