Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I decided to get a health insurance. After all, that healthy feeling of invincibility with age wears down a bit..
So, one month ago, a very serious man with a puzzled look, dressed in traditional Arab clothes, came to talk to me (who wasn’t at that time prepared to understand him). After some conversation, and the realization that we might need the prices of the various policies – which he didn't bring, we agree on a plan, I transfer the money and go back to the forest, all happy and reassured. After two weeks a fax reaches me, I have to pay much more, for some unclear reason. So now that I came out I thought of calling him again. He comes, explains, produces a fancy, brand new laptop. He doesn’t know how to use it, doesn’t have glasses, moves the head up and down and left and right, “hunting for a… K! … now.. an… O!…”. The temptation was strong (I could SEE myself moving away his hands and type myself..). We finally enter the program, but we don’t know how to use it. I convince him that a deal is a deal, and that I should pay the new premium starting from next year. He calls his office (using the cellphone light to illuminate the numbers while he types them on the cellphone itself – all is painstaking) and confirms. Then I think that the ordeal is over, but I am soo wrong. He closes some windows, and starts a video! Of the “Achievers’ day” of the company!! Blurred pictures of determined people exhibiting prizes and confident thumbs; lame (inspirational?) music. I couldn’t believe it. Clearly, my attempt at transmitting a sense of urgency had failed. I try again, more vigorously, at the end of the video: gathering (again) the papers, standing up, uttering closing remarks.. and I fail again. Another video. Showing what? Adult males holding each other’s penis, while peeing. I am serious. Illustrating the concept of teamwork. I smile, stronger men would be in shock. Then (well, after another video, on the glory of the company – which I won’t name), I make some poignant comments and many smiles, and terminate the interview.

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